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Unesc - Universidade do Extremo Sul Catarinense.

Lines of Research

Human Rights, Citizenship and New Rights

  This line of research aims at examining the social dynamics of human rights as regards their historical formation, their foundations, their central problems and their transforming function through a critical and interdisciplinary orientation. Accordingly, this line of research focuses on the complex apprehension of the close relationships and intersections of human rights with the plural representative forms of citizenship and the irruption of new rights.  And it also aims at developing theoretical-practical knowledge, establishing pedagogical proposals for the formation of a culture of rights which favors protection against violation and citizen promotion for dignity dissemination.

Specific objectives of this line of research:
a) To analyze the historical process and the human rights theory foundations, based on a critical and interdisciplinary reading.
b) To understand the citizenship plural relationships and their intersections with human rights.
c) To investigate the emergence of new rights in the context of Brazilian and Latin American social, political, economic and cultural complexity.
d) To develop, from theoretical-practical knowledge, pedagogical proposals which contribute to the formation of a culture of human rights protection.

Law, Society and State

  This line of research deals with the study of the processes of social transformation which Brazil and Latin America have experienced (from society legal and political organization) and which have reflected in the constitutionalization of human rights. The materialization of these rights falls within the scope of permanent and democratic dialogue involving state institutions and society. Furthermore, this investigative context presupposes the society participation in the processes of formulation, execution and evaluation of public policies, especially social policies, and the way these actions reflect on legal knowledge elaboration.

Specific objectives of this line of research:
a) To enable to analyze processes of constitutionalization of human rights in Brazil and Latin America.
b) To investigate the relationships between State and society in human rights materialization context.
c) To analyze the process of formulation, execution and evaluation of public policies, based on the society participation in all stages.
d) To study the implementation of social policies in the context of political and legal transformations which Brazil and Latin America have experienced.

Universidade do Extremo Sul Catarinense.