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Unesc - Universidade do Extremo Sul Catarinense.

Research Lines


This line has the following overall objectives:
  • identify new business opportunities and stimulate entrepreneurial practices associated with environmental issues, using tools of recovery of waste;
  • contribute to the implementation of measures to promote the competitiveness of companies, typically by the use of systems and environmental quality, promoting sustainable development.
And it has the following specific objectives:
  • inertization of industrial waste employing it in the production of glass and glass-ceramic artifacts;
  • development of materials with properties suitable for use as an input, replacing the use of natural raw materials for chemicals and materials from waste;
  • improving processing techniques for polymers and composite materials containing residues in their composition;
  • evaluation of possible ecotoxicological and genotoxic effects of materials produced from waste;
  • development of recycled materials with properties suitable for use in constructions.

Development and processing of materials

This research has the following overall objectives:
  • investigate new materials or identify alternative raw materials for industrial use;
  • develop new technologies and/or enhance the ones available in order to increase the productive performance;
  • Investigate the most relevant issues for a particular manufacturing process, correlating them with the properties of final products seeking the continued development, optimization and improvement of it.
And it has the following specific objectives:
  • investigation of new compositions and processing conditions that allow the optimization of the final properties and reduce the use of raw materials and energy in the manufacture of products used in construction (ceramic, tiles, bricks and glass, etc.);
  • Development of advanced ceramics with antimicrobial properties;
  • Development of special glass, glass-ceramic and bioceramic, for applications in the areas of dentistry, biotechnology, microelectronics, ballistics, and wear-resistant coatings, among others;
  • Synthesis and characterization of polymeric conductors, semiconductors, piezoelectric and magnetic;
  • Development of polymers with antibacterial and/ or fungicides for application in sensors, biosensors, photovoltaic systems, medical devices and hospitals;
  • Synthesis and characterization of polymeric membranes for use in fuel cells;
  • Preparation of polymer matrix nanocomposites via incorporation of metal nanoparticles;
  • Evaluation and optimization of composition and processing parameters in the production of polymers and polymer matrix composites;
  • Evaluation of possible genotoxic damage and/ or cytotoxic agents involved in a chemical manufacturing process.

Universidade do Extremo Sul Catarinense.